Sunday, July 20, 2008

Tevv and Sayn

This is the a story I am writing for this blog. I'm just trying it out and I probably will never finish and it will be lame but here it goes... by the way, this is for you Zach.

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away there lived a boy named Tevv. He was no ordinary boy, he was smart and athletic. The best at almost everything he did. He had a lot of friends but, one in particular. This one was named Sayn. They were best friends. Sayn was different though, he didn't get along with most of Tevv's other friends nor they him. Sayn sort of had this presence of power about him. Tevv always wanted to be a Jedi when he grew up and hoped that a Jedi Master would one day show up o his door step and ask him to join their ranks. One day all his dreams came true but, not for him. A Jedi showed up at Sayn's door and asked if he would join them. Sayn of course bieng the good fried he was refered the Jedi to his friends house. The Jedi said that Sayn was the one he wanted, that Sayn was strong in the force...